I'll be honest...
I'm rather bummed about this ban...I enjoyed fucking around with Jait. I know you have seen those people sucking eachother off for years on end....but not knowing them, it was a great distraction for me.
I think I had atleast another 2 months before I got jack of it all.
Same! This sucks.
Even worse, yesterday, my mum walked in whilst I was supposed to be asleep.. (Hence no reply on skype).
She like, read
everything. Her response to the skype convo btw was "such language!"
Her reply to Loaded-Gun was "Sex and Gossip?!" sorta thing. Other than that I was posting in the QOTY thread in RT (an Ian based thing) so that weren't so bad.
Then I had Word open where I was writing Flannel's PM. Huh. That wasn't good.
Overall, the outcome is bad. Yeah, I'm not totally sure what's gonna happen now.
But hey, my brothers in shit too so I'm hoping it'll be fine.
The only problem is she's very likely to get laid off and if she does then she says she wants to "sort us out".
And I don't even have school to run to.