CT: I'm sick for the first time in years that wasn't a direct result of overindulgence. Haven't had any booze since last sunday.
Don't know if it's the flu a cold or what. I was making great progress on the SAIC redesign yesterday when a bus load of plain clothes cops showed up to remove stolen property from the house across the street. I had to come out and move my cars around because the bastards were snooping around hoping they could declare them abandoned and tow them away as part of their legalized theft and extortion racket. Went over and talked to the wife for a few minutes and by the time I got back over here I was already starting to feel sick. I had a terrible night, alternating between chills and sweating and evey muscle in my body aches along with a massive headach.
My kitties were worried about me and my oldest cat stayed by me all night. Then I guess she thought she could cheer me up with a present. So this morning she brought me a mouse and dropped it on the pillow next to me.
I've spent the entire day in bed so far. Just took a vicoden and it's starting to kick in, at least it's helping with the headache. I was a afraid to take anything earlier because of the nausea.