He took some sexy pics of me! I wasn't naked or anything though. And no you can't see them.Quote from: DrugmothWell, at least you have the courtesy not to lead me on.
Well, at least you have the courtesy not to lead me on.
I am toying with the idea of maxing out my life insurance next election cycle and refusing further treatments. My wife could pay off the house, easy. I could estimate based on my past lab results that kidneys would be beyond use in two years. It is workable. I need to look closer at the fine print of the policy.
Well if you ever want a present from Texas you can PM me your address.
My original plan has a more realistic twinge to it, simply because I would be worth more in death in the short run. Then again, chances of survival are always day to day. As long as my wife has something keep them afloat after I pass, that's good for me. that said, I would like to get laid before another set of seasons go by.
Maybe she's depressed and has no sexual urges because of it. When I'm depressed I can't do it even if I feel like I could. It's the only time I'm a non-functioning sex addict.
Is there no chance for a kidney transplant?
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!
Blood type?
Here's another idea; they're taking transplant candidates and only taking PART of the donor's organ(s), and almost making them clone themselves within the person while in the donor it regrows as well ...Fuck, I just read this recently; I'll see if I can find the article ...