
Quote from: Zoomie
...looked me up on MyLife (formerly Classmates). And I know who just from the person's age and town of residence.
Don't stalk me sweety. If you want the pork roll, just speak up.
Quote from: underclass
lol @ Danzig

Smoking Crack(Read 26080 times)
Re: Smoking Crack Reply #60 on: April 21, 2009, 12:02:46 AM
People have a lot to say about things they don't even remotely understand when it comes to drugs. You ever notice that the people who spend all of their time exhorting you not to try something also claim never to have tried it themselves? That's garbage.
I say try everything once and only once at first. You can return for a second, third, etc try as long as you do so cautiously. Nothing makes you more of a chump than addiction.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #61 on: April 21, 2009, 12:05:42 AM
right, 'cause most people who are meth/crack/heroin addicts don't start out thinking, "I'll just do it this one time.."
cream filling for hollow victories

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #62 on: April 21, 2009, 01:13:53 AM
Instant addiction is a myth.
If you can't resist self-indulgence then better to burn out fast and be done with it.
I still think trying something should be prerequisite to condemning it. (except when it comes to Xbox)

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #63 on: April 21, 2009, 07:09:02 AM
You're happy to get your jollies from fucking COUGH SYRUP, yet you're somehow morally outraged at someone smoking crack? Are you fuckin' serious?

yes I am serious. I also feel the same way about Marlboro reds and budweiser

And this simply proves she is a right thinking American. Good for you princess.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #64 on: April 21, 2009, 08:05:59 AM
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 08:07:05 AM by Drugmoth »
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #65 on: April 21, 2009, 09:32:17 AM
I grew up learning crack is wack, and never heard any shit about dxm until i started doing it.

So, your drug use is directed by what you've been told is bad.  Sort of a black-list of substances, rather than a white-list.
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #66 on: April 21, 2009, 09:35:43 AM
asprin hahahahahaha
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #67 on: April 21, 2009, 09:37:10 AM
word substitution is fun when done correctly

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #68 on: April 21, 2009, 10:19:41 AM
Instant addiction is a myth.
If you can't resist self-indulgence then better to burn out fast and be done with it.
I still think trying something should be prerequisite to condemning it. (except when it comes to Xbox)

So what if it happens on the second or third "cautious" try? What then? Why even chance it, especially people with addictive personalities? I am an alcoholic. I cannot have one drink without having a second, third, fourth, etc. until I am falling down drunk and attacking my husband/assaulting police officers while they try to load me into an ambulance.

Knowing that, there is no way in hell I would cry crack or coke or meth or any other narcotic, not even once.
cream filling for hollow victories

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #69 on: April 21, 2009, 11:29:20 AM
Doormouse, you speak wise words.  See, that's why I like to rotate my drugs like a fucking rolodex, that way I'll never end up in an episode of Intervention.  I will admit I'm moderately psychologically addicted to drugs in general, but I have the unusual super enthusiastic passion for them so that's what sets me apart from most "addicts".  Besides, I can go a week without drugs and I won't be fucking flipping out.  I'll just overeat instead.  God, I have a lot of vices.

yeah ill over eat too but right now im not gonna eat .. im gonna have the robo
TiCa LoCa 20 (8:48:24 PM): Ewlk Jerz stinks like bad eggs baby shyt and bad perm...

I agree. But, only when you are on the NJTP coming back from the NYC. The bay WREAKS

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #70 on: April 21, 2009, 11:35:01 AM
I still think trying something should be prerequisite to condemning it.
Sucked cock before?
Murdered someone in cold blood?
Lovingly hugged a stranger?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 11:35:49 AM by eitje »
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #71 on: April 21, 2009, 12:35:03 PM
Instant addiction is a myth.
If you can't resist self-indulgence then better to burn out fast and be done with it.
I still think trying something should be prerequisite to condemning it. (except when it comes to Xbox)

So what if it happens on the second or third "cautious" try? What then? Why even chance it, especially people with addictive personalities? I am an alcoholic. I cannot have one drink without having a second, third, fourth, etc. until I am falling down drunk and attacking my husband/assaulting police officers while they try to load me into an ambulance.

Knowing that, there is no way in hell I would cry crack or coke or meth or any other narcotic, not even once.
Know thyself. Addiction is proof of a lack of caution. Even a person with an addictive personality can try something once, but trying it a second or third time with the knowledge that you have an addictive personality is hardly cautious behavior. Anyway I'm mainly concerned with people who don't try something and yet condemn it out of hand. You have free will. You can certainly choose not to experience something (even if I think you're limiting yourself), but at least don't condemn it. Drugs don't kill people - people kill themselves.

I still think trying something should be prerequisite to condemning it.
Sucked cock before?
Murdered someone in cold blood?
Lovingly hugged a stranger?
And have I condemned any of those activities anywhere?
I mean... OK - you make a valid point with your second query. I should clarify that so long as it's only you that suffers the consequences, try everything once at least before condemning it.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #72 on: April 21, 2009, 12:49:20 PM
I mean... OK - you make a valid point with your second query. I should clarify that so long as it's only you that suffers the consequences, try everything once at least before condemning it.
*boilerplate counterargument*  when you do drugs, you're not the only one that suffers.
*boilerplate continuation*  try suicide at least once before condemning it!

*reeal answer*  I understand your point, but it takes a certain, very special type of mind to reason through everything and take themselves completely out of the equation.  Most people still interact with the outside world in some way, and that's where the danger sets in.
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #73 on: April 21, 2009, 12:58:06 PM
"Drugs don't kill people - people kill themselves."

Now you got the purity issue.  ( Just saying. )
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #74 on: April 21, 2009, 01:16:17 PM
There are some things that should logically be condemned, and you don't need to try them in order to do so.

Tobacco - Makes you need it, causes cancer. Does nothing good.
Crack - Makes you need it, causes poorness and death. Does nothing good.
Heroin - Ditto.
Meth - Ditto.

Go to these sites, and don't forget to tell your friends!

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #75 on: April 21, 2009, 01:29:20 PM
*boilerplate counterargument*  when you do drugs, you're not the only one that suffers.
Huge over-generalization in all directions. First of all, not all drugs have negative side effects. But I'll assume you mean ones that do. Secondly, drug addiction and not drug use hurts those that love you. Or if you use while responsible for others like if you're tripping while driving toddlers. But mainly, my point was: "If it hurts another then don't do it." So if you're not the only one that will suffer then... don't do it.

*boilerplate continuation*  try suicide at least once before condemning it!
It's last on the agenda.

*reeal answer*  I understand your point, but it takes a certain, very special type of mind to reason through everything and take themselves completely out of the equation.  Most people still interact with the outside world in some way, and that's where the danger sets in.
My suggestions only really work in an ideal setting. The biggest problem is that most people don't know their limitations. Addiction is a gradient. There's no one use after which point you become an addict. However if you don't constantly monitor yourself and err on the side of safety, chances are you'll slip too far down the gradient. Most people are idiots - myself included. Idealistically, though, I'll stand by my argument: The point is to have new experiences, not necessarily to enjoy them or even necessarily to return to them.

@krsna - You're mixing logos with pathos. I've tried Tobacco and Meth and I'm neither poor nor dead nor cancerous. I'm glad I tried them. Knowing what they do to a person is the good that they have given me. I'll try crack and heroin once each if given the opportunity. I've heard enough horror stories about those that I don't think I'd be stupid enough to try them again. I'm advocating cautious exploration here, not regular usage.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #76 on: April 21, 2009, 01:45:54 PM
You know, even once is enough for you to OD. Drug dealers are not the most trustworthy of human beings, especially when it comes to shit like heroin or meth. Unless you make it, you don't know what you're getting, how pure it is, or if it was mixed with something you're going to have a horrible reaction to.

I mean, why chance it? Ooh, for the experience. I'd rather have the 20 bucks in my pocket and go see a movie and get something to eat. Beats having my kids find me dead or covered in puke on the bathroom floor, eh?

And we haven't even gotten to the legal/illegal part of the debate.

Whatever, we can banter back and forth on this all day. The last thing I've got to say about it is, "Please, stay the fuck away from my kids with your pro-drug propaganda."
cream filling for hollow victories

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #77 on: April 21, 2009, 02:03:41 PM
@krsna - You're mixing logos with pathos. I've tried Tobacco and Meth and I'm neither poor nor dead nor cancerous. I'm glad I tried them. Knowing what they do to a person is the good that they have given me. I'll try crack and heroin once each if given the opportunity. I've heard enough horror stories about those that I don't think I'd be stupid enough to try them again. I'm advocating cautious exploration here, not regular usage.

Your line of reasoning only works in the case that you don't find something you REALLY like and continue to do even though you are fully aware that doing so is harmful to you. If you do, then you'll fully understand my line of reasoning.

Furthermore, I posit that unless your knowledge of how tobacco and meth affect a person are going to be used in some way to assist others suffering from their addiction or help prevent others from from becoming addicted that it's useless and may in fact be construed to be harmful to society as a whole since it seems to have reinforced your platform of cautious exploration (now being soapboxed in a public forum).

Rhetorical question, if someone showed you four buttons and said that pushing each button would pleasurable in a different way but that each time you pushed a button there was an unmeasureable chance that you might die or simply have your life ruined, would you seriously consider pushing them?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 05:16:09 PM by krapsna »
Go to these sites, and don't forget to tell your friends!

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #78 on: April 21, 2009, 03:35:42 PM
Rhetorical question, if someone showed you four buttons and said that pushing each button would pleasurable in a different way but that each time you pushed a button there was an unmeasureable chance that you might die or simply have your life ruined, would you seriously consider pushing them?

Usually I don't get too involved in these conversations because, well, they've already happened a hundred times in other parts of the internet.  And they all ended up in the same place (which is why I was able to boilerplate a few arguments).

But I wanted to say, this is an interesting example!  I like the way it was framed, definitely.

However, (and I'll only go find the specific experiments if you really need me to do it) it's been proven in many social and psychological experiments in the last 30 years that folks will indeed push those buttons at least a few times, especially if the unmeasureable risk was assumed or explained to be a low percentage.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 03:37:00 PM by eitje »
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #79 on: April 21, 2009, 05:07:14 PM
I'm on the fence here. I don't feel like things ought to necessarily be condemned, but celebrating them or encouraging others to do them seems silly too.

Any drug use/abuse (and this absolutely includes alcohol) I have partaken in, do partake in, or will partake in in the future is my issue, first and foremost. I don't feel I need to apologise for any of it, unless I've hurt others in the process. But I also don't recommend it. Not even smoking weed, which is probably my least detrimental vice.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #80 on: April 21, 2009, 05:17:56 PM
Rhetorical question, if someone showed you four buttons and said that pushing each button would pleasurable in a different way but that each time you pushed a button there was an unmeasureable chance that you might die or simply have your life ruined, would you seriously consider pushing them?

Usually I don't get too involved in these conversations because, well, they've already happened a hundred times in other parts of the internet.  And they all ended up in the same place (which is why I was able to boilerplate a few arguments).

But I wanted to say, this is an interesting example!  I like the way it was framed, definitely.

However, (and I'll only go find the specific experiments if you really need me to do it) it's been proven in many social and psychological experiments in the last 30 years that folks will indeed push those buttons at least a few times, especially if the unmeasureable risk was assumed or explained to be a low percentage.

It should be explained that unmeasurable doen't mean low percentage, it just means unknowable and completely random.
Go to these sites, and don't forget to tell your friends!

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #81 on: April 21, 2009, 06:50:40 PM
You know, even once is enough for you to OD. Drug dealers are not the most trustworthy of human beings, especially when it comes to shit like heroin or meth. Unless you make it, you don't know what you're getting, how pure it is, or if it was mixed with something you're going to have a horrible reaction to.
You've identified an area where caution must be exercised. I say exercise that caution. Know your dealer. Make it yourself. Whatever it takes. If it's very dangerous then be very cautious. Do the research before you get into anything.

I mean, why chance it? Ooh, for the experience. I'd rather have the 20 bucks in my pocket and go see a movie and get something to eat. Beats having my kids find me dead or covered in puke on the bathroom floor, eh?
Again - here you've identified an outcome which is harmful to those around you. If you're going into something very dangerous and you haven't taken the precautions necessary to remove the risk and the outcome will hurt others then don't do it.

Your line of reasoning only works in the case that you don't find something you REALLY like and continue to do even though you are fully aware that doing so is harmful to you. If you do, then you'll fully understand my line of reasoning.
Like I said earlier: if you're a self-indulgent idiot then by all means kill yourself with drugs and be done with it. If you have no self control and if you can't resist the urge to pleasure yourself again and again after one try then I have little sympathy for you. There are a lot of things I really really like that I don't do all the time. I'm not so strong-willed. If even I can handle temptation surely you (whoever) can as well.

Furthermore, I posit that unless your knowledge of how tobacco and meth affect a person are going to be used in some way to assist others suffering from their addiction or help prevent others from from becoming addicted that it's useless and may in fact be construed to be harmful to society as a whole since it seems to have reinforced your platform of cautious exploration (now being soapboxed in a public forum).
Society? I'm looking to improve myself on a personal level. By society's standards I probably watch far too little MTV and I should be shunned for adhering to an atheistic personal philosophy. Society is really a poor way to measure an activity's overall utility. I'm not opposed to doing things for the benefit of society, but it's not the standard by which I live my life. Eating delicious filet mignon doesn't help society, in fact it probably hurts society. But if I only do it once for the experience then go on and cry emo society. Nobody cares.

Rhetorical question, if someone showed you four buttons and said that pushing each button would pleasurable in a different way but that each time you pushed a button there was an unmeasureable chance that you might die or simply have your life ruined, would you seriously consider pushing them?
If by doing the research I could reduce the likelihood of death or ruination of life to a vanishingly low probability then yes. That's all I'm talking about. I would certainly push each one once if my likelihood of problems was so low.

So now, rhetorical question for rhetorical question:
If someone showed you a button that if pushed would allow you to see a new color (a color no human who hasn't pushed the button has ever seen) but that if you kept pushing it over and over again then you would die, wouldn't you push it just once? Let's even heighten the drama by saying that for some percentage of people, there is a crazy allergic reaction that will hurt you badly if you push it even once. Then you were given as much preparatory time as you needed to research the shit out of it and learn if you have this reaction and how to prevent its effects, then wouldn't you do the research required to have the new experience of seeing the new color? Wouldn't you be miffed if there were laws barring you from pushing the button even if you didn't have the allergy?

The last thing I've got to say about it is, "Please, stay the fuck away from my kids with your pro-drug propaganda."
This is supposed to be pro-experience propaganda. If the emphasis changes from pleasure to experience then there's no problem as far as I can see. People think of drugs in the wrong way. Using to feel good about yourself is self-deception and indulgence (which can be ok in some situations - like with moderate alcohol use for instance). Trying something to gain a novel experience is something wholly different.

Let's be clear - I'm not saying that repeated and unguarded use of drugs is a good thing. I'm saying that new experiences are. If you categorically exclude drugs from your pool from which to draw experiences then you are limiting yourself. Whether it's because you're unwilling to do the background research required to be safe or whether it's for some legitimate reason involving dependent children and your known inability to control your urges (not you, psycho, but anyone) then sure those limitations can be acceptable to you on a personal level. So you can exercise your free will and not experiment. By condemning new experiences in a public forum, however, you act to influence others (who may not share your personal weaknesses/responsibilities) to limit themselves. By enacting legislation outlawing these experiences you kill intellectual curiosity.
I know the reason behind it is for the good of those who are idiots about substance use. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs and all that. Heck they even got rid of our trans fats for our own good. But, idealistically speaking, such fascistic measures are not necessary. Granted we don't live in an ideal society. I don't care. I'll still live ideally.

But I also don't recommend it.
I only do on chat boards and the like. I strike a firm anti-drug stance with my family and friends. Not because I don't believe what I'm saying above, but because I'm cynical and, who knows, maybe my family and friends are incautious self-indulgent fools in the end. I love them regardless and don't want them to risk it.

As a compromise I tend to explain the effects clearly to them so they can see that there's nothing magical about it. Rather than just spouting anti-drug catch phrases, and perpetuating the ridiculous notion of instant addiction I hope that by explaining things as they truly are I can earn their respect enough to listen to my advice that it's not all that. But I speak from personal experience and not from some hand-wringing society-conscious perspective. If I've never done it before and can't give an account of the experience then I don't condemn it. Let's say one of my friends tells me he's going to try heroin and asks if he should. I would tell him that it was his decision, but to be fucking careful because that stuff is well-known to be very dangerous. I'd tell him he can reach a non-judgmental friend if he needs any help during or after the experience. I wouldn't tell him not to though. In fact I'm kind of jealous because he'll be seeing colors I couldn't even dream of. I'd probably recommend against it to my family but for purely selfish reasons I assure you.

Ultimately I think a hardline "Drugs are bad, hmmkay?" stance does way more hard than good unless the person who's telling you not to try the drugs has already done them and tells you the truth. All it takes is one curious dick to try it anyway and when he learns that this instant addiction warned of is horseshit, then all of the drug advice is disregarded. There are problems and dangers associated with drugs and shooting straight with kids will probably be the best way to educate them of these harms. Let's not make drugs a forbidden fruit. Kids are idiots, but they are also anxious to learn - even if they have to do it themselves. Once they find out you were taking them for a ride, they lose all respect for all of your advice.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #82 on: April 22, 2009, 12:42:25 AM
I have come to the conclusion that Doormouse is smarter than all of you.  Ditto on everything, couldn't have said it better.  Fact is I agree but if I was being questioned than I'd be way too lazy an inarticulate to answer as well as you did.  Thanks for doing the work for me.
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #83 on: April 22, 2009, 12:54:35 AM
whatever, everyone knows you think in wingdings

I refuse to use any hard chemical drugs. I don't fucking care if they'll broaden my horizons I'm not putting that stuff into my body.
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #84 on: April 22, 2009, 01:12:22 AM
I don't give two shits of anyone else does drugs and I don't recommend others use drugs unless you know exactly what you're getting yourself into.  Most people DON'T.  If you're not 100% positive that you can handle a drug, you shouldn't do it.  If you aren't willing to fully educate yourself on a drug that you want to put into your body, you shouldn't do it, and if you do than you are an idiot that deserves to die.  If you've been abused as a child or gone through very traumatic experiences, than for the love of god do NOT even think about doing drugs because you are the one that is most likely to be on the next episode of intervention, you dumb fuck.

I change my mind, EVERYONE should do drugs to induce social darwinism for the idiots of the world.
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #85 on: April 22, 2009, 02:21:41 AM
Eh. We'll see who's smarter when my kids all become crack addicts after listening to some internet wiseacre.
I was mainly just playing advocate to a devilish whim.
I like the argument conceptually. But on a day-to-day basis, and in real life, I think my suggestion to try everything only works for a slim minority of people. In most parts of my life I generally stick to safety rather than risking sorrow even if it limits my options. I wish I were bolder.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #86 on: April 22, 2009, 02:23:56 AM
I do a lot of stuff and plan after, but hard drugs are off the list.
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #87 on: April 22, 2009, 02:36:36 AM
Eh. We'll see who's smarter when my kids all become crack addicts after listening to some internet wiseacre.
I was mainly just playing advocate to a devilish whim.
I like the argument conceptually. But on a day-to-day basis, and in real life, I think my suggestion to try everything only works for a slim minority of people. In most parts of my life I generally stick to safety rather than risking sorrow even if it limits my options. I wish I were bolder.

I think your advice alone is flawed, but combine it with my last post (minus the sarcasm of course) and it becomes valid.
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #88 on: April 22, 2009, 05:38:19 AM
You're all drugfucked.

Every last one of you!

Re: Smoking Crack Reply #89 on: April 22, 2009, 07:21:14 AM
I have come to the conclusion that Doormouse is smarter than all of you.  Ditto on everything, couldn't have said it better.  Fact is I agree but if I was being questioned than I'd be way too lazy an inarticulate to answer as well as you did.  Thanks for doing the work for me.

Doormouse, this illustrates the flaw in your viewpoint more than I could ever hope to.
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