BUMPYes, the geek and I were fairly tight too. ladiefury and I were as well - we mailed each other letters for a year or two. She's super awesome. I talked on the phone for hours with somebody - can't remember if it was pink crayon, or xclaime, or somebody. Some chick though. (I just contacted xclaime too.)
YES tricky - Webbtrauma!!!
Seansuxs sent me a piece of paper with ear wax smeared on it and a collection of his shaved pubes in the envelope. It had a hand-written message on the piece of paper but I can't remember totally what it said. Something like "HI from your friends at Anti-Social!" - actually I can't even remember the timeline. Maybe it was Loaded-gun by then... but I don't think so.
Deadeyes sent me a manilla envelope with underwear that had shitmarks all down the back and obviously he spunked all over the front of them. Sick fuck. I tracked down who sent me both of them and posted threads on the boards, exposing them. It was pretty funny. I actually called deadeyes work to let him know he was a dumbfuck and not to try it again.
Yeah, that wasn't my work you called, bagface. I was unemployed and at vocational school studying electronics.
To set the record straight, it was a coordinated effort between Starscream7, myself, Ruthless1, Sasha (yes, your own comrade) and some other IRC players. I had been planning this event for a solid week and decided I would foul the underwear at my friends' house. At the time of the incident, I was over their house drinking and playing Tony Hawk for the PS1. One of my close friends said he had to take a shit; I said hold on, wrote "from your friends at Anti-Social" with a black Sharpie on the back of the briefs, and handed it to my friend. I told him to leave it on the hamper afterwards. Then, after he streaked the inside with shit, I grabbed a Sears catalog and went to the task of hand-churning man-butter. I gravyed the briefs, stuck them in a manila envelope, and mailed them, post-haste, from the north side of Jackson (I lived on the south side).
I recall the threads on A-S.com about someone's drawers being sent to baggie. And some initial sleuthing being done by Kyle, but I walked away unscathed.
If you were plotting some revenge, Kyle, I wish I could have been a part of it. I was bored and living in a boring little city. It would have been fun to keep the feud going.
Care to take up another? I promise I will never send a dead mouse in a condom.
Your friend,
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 02:31:08 PM by Ineptunian »

"White people is stupid, yo." ~ random black guy from Memphis.