i have to know my shit because i can't expect anyone else to cook my weird food for me!
the following is an easy, awesome summertime lunch entree or snack...i bring a tupperware container full of these to the beach in my cooler and have all the omnivore boys drooling over my vegan delights.
asian mango summer rolls- 1 mango, peeled, sliced into matchstick-like pieces
- 1 cup bean sprouts and/or seedless cuke, also sliced into matchsticks
- 1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves (no stems, people)
- 4oz. super thin rice noodles
- 1/4 cup peanuts, finely chopped (i like to use roasted, unsalted ones)
- 20 or so rice paper wrappers (they can be tricky at first because they tear quite easily, but i got the hang of it by my third try at a roll the first time i ever made these)
- thai dipping sauce (recipe follows)
1. boil a medium sized pot of water. turn off heat, add noodles. let them soak in the water for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. drain and run them under cold water when the time is up, until they feel cold to the touch. set aside.
2. have ready a large wide bowl (a pie pan works great) filled with hot water (can be tap, not boiling). i place one wrapper in the water at a time because they're so fragile, and they become flexible after about 30-45 seconds. very carefully remove from water and lay flat on cleared off surface/cutting board/whatever.
3. in lower 2/3 area of the wrapper you want to put about 1 tbsp of the noodles. sprinkle about a 1/2 tsp chopped peanuts over them. then on top of that i put about 5 mango matchsticks, then on top of the mango a few bean sprouts and/or a few cuke matchsticks, and finally a couple of cilantro leaves (i love cilantro, so i usually go pretty heavy with the leaves).
4. fold the left and right sides of the wrapper over the filling, then take bottom of wrapper and begin rolling. i try to make them as tight as is possible without smushing everything. it makes them a lot less messy to munch on. if they're too loose, the stuffing goes everywhere after your first bite.
5. keep chilled and covered until ready to serve.
thai dipping sauce- 1/4 cup rice vinegar
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 tsp asian chile oil (for thin sauce variation)
- 3-5 tbsp thai chile sauce (for a spicier, thicker sauce) ***
- 3 tbsp roasted peanuts, chopped
- 1-1/2 tsp sugar (normally i use turbinado because it's unrefined, and i'm no lady)
mix all this shit up, chill, and dip those delicious love sticks in it before devouring them. mmmm.
***this is the way i do it, but the chile oil version was recommended by a vietnamese friend. there's a serious awesomeness to the sweet and savory combo of the sweet mango and the spicy thai chile sauce.***p.s. i also have done these without the mango, and called them imitation california rolls. the rice noodles sub for sushi rice...avocado, carrots, sprouts, cukes, same thai dipping sauce...and the rice paper wrapper may not have the health benefits of nori seaweed sushi wraps, but mine are a fuckload easier to roll than actual avocado rolls. at least in my opinion.