
Quote from: tricky
i didnt wanna get naked because i totally wasnt wanting to have sex and i thought it would lead to it.

Drunken group orgies(Read 10985 times)
Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #30 on: June 01, 2009, 11:26:13 PM
<Psychopathetic> that's great, except I know you don't mean it.
<Psychopathetic> dork.
<hip> i told you that!
<Thrash> nom she's like me, sleeping around is much more fun
<Thrash> I'm with her on that one
<Psychopathetic> Hey! Don't talk about katie like that.
<Sik0> but I DO love Katie. she just doesn't believe me
<Thrash> and if I didn't mean it, I wouldn't say it.
<Thrash> sarah
<hip> yeah. you can only call me a slut, like si does.
<Sik0> if only I could prove myself somehow
<Thrash> and I'm not talking about k8z like that
<hip> and a whore. and a cunt. and a heartless bitch.
<Thrash> no, that's me
<Thrash> fuck, I can't take this, I'll bbl
*** Thrash is now known as Thrash[headpounding]
<Sik0> bye Dave
<Psychopathetic> yikes.
<Sik0> brb
<hip> ahahaha
<hip> this is bullshit.
<tricky> yeah so sean and i broke up.
<tricky> tehehehe.
<Sik0> you're really heartless, aren't you?
<tricky> me? katie? yes
<hip> if being true to myself means i'm heartless, then so fucking be it!
<Sik0> don't make fun of the situation
<hip> there's nothing funny about being told i'm a hooker.
<gardenweasel> hookers charge
<Sik0> hey, DAVE!!
<hip> hey dave?
<Thrash[headpounding]> huh?  what?
<Psychopathetic> haha
*** Thrash[headpounding] is now known as DaveSucks
<hip> ......
<Sik0> gotcha!
<hip> ................gotcha.
<Sik0> haha
* Psychopathetic giggles *
<hip> hi5 si
* Sik0 hi5
<Sik0> dahahaha
<DaveSucks> actually, I'd just looked back
<Psychopathetic> hey! what about me?
<hip> ahhhahaha
<DaveSucks> I'm half watching, half reading email
* Sik0 hi5 Sarah
<Psychopathetic> hhaha hi5!
<hip> hi5 all of the players
<Sik0> hahaha
<DaveSucks> bend over, I'll show you "what about me"
<hip> we all deserve oscars. especially me with the capital BUT YOU PUT ME IN TEARS
<Psychopathetic> hashaha
<hip> haha and ed with his "but hookers charge"
<Psychopathetic> i dunno, i really liked ed's comments about hookers charging
<Psychopathetic> and creamy peanut butter
<hip> Hahaha si
<hip> so true.
<Sik0> haha
<hip> im so amused. that made my day, it did.
<Sik0> hey Dave, don't tell anyone, OK? we may want to pull this one again later
<DaveSucks> ok, cool, so yer still getting blown at the gathering, cool ... glad to hear it
<Psychopathetic> hah.
<gardenweasel> what, this was all a joke?
<DaveSucks> I won't say a word
<Sik0> haha
<Psychopathetic> hahaha
<gardenweasel> fuck
<Psychopathetic> ed you rule
* gardenweasel rules
<hip> very witty dave.
<hip> haha shut up ed
<Sik0> haha, all my co-workers are looking at me funny now
<DaveSucks> uh-huh
<hip> why?
<Sik0> what do you mean, "funny Dave"?
<DaveSucks> oh, wow .. Clue's on
<Sik0> you mean I'm not?
<Sik0> haha
<DaveSucks> wtf?
<tricky> and there was just a britny spears pepsi commercial on!
<tricky> britney
<DaveSucks> oh, great
<DaveSucks> she's not even that hot
<hip> ahaha
<Sik0> I'd do 'er
<gardenweasel> but oh so very skanky
<DaveSucks> I'd fuck her, but just to be able to say I did
<Sik0> haha
* gardenweasel applauds
<hip> i love brittney
<gardenweasel> one t only
<hip> whatevah!
*** DaveSucks is now known as brb
<tricky> i hate her shes a bitch whore
<hip> haha like me
<hip> according to si
<hip> damn ive got so many pms open
<Psychopathetic> haha
<Sik0> I did
<brb> someone please shoot me in the face
<Psychopathetic> bang bang
<Sik0> I closed 'em because I'm a bastard
<Sik0> ahhh
<Sik0> that was fun
<tricky> sigh
<brb> thankie
<Sik0> now I need a smoke
<Sik0> brb
<tricky> i need inspiration
<gardenweasel> I need...
<gardenweasel> I have no idea
<Psychopathetic> yep. smoke. again.
*** Psychopathetic is now known as SmokeySarah
<tricky> i need sexual intercourse
<hip> i can be your inspiration!
<hip> i can be your esxual intercourse!
<gardenweasel> thats always good
<tricky> haha
<hip> just wait till april 5th baby!
<tricky> woohoo!
<hip> wherere we staying?
<tricky> dunno
<tricky> i guess you people need to pick
<tricky> there are all these cheap ass places on Midlothian
<tricky> c knows where that is
<tricky> or should....
<hip> mid what?
<hip> should what?
<tricky> its a "turnpike"
<gardenweasel> hey all  I will catch you later on
<tricky> should know where it is
<gardenweasel> in the evening I guess
<tricky> bye
*** gardenweasel has quit IRC (Quit: Sesame Street has been brought to you by Grover's words of wisdom "If you scream, I'll cut ya! Now do everything Daddy says!")
<brb> K8z, this is for you:   http://pub52.ezboard.com/flcgfrm5.showMessage?topicID=16.topic
<brb> read it, it's like, something that'd make you cry
*** SmokeySarah is now known as Psychopathetic
*** punkallstar has joined #loaded-gun
*** ChanS sets mode: +o punkallstar
<ChanS> Parting at the request of punkallstar
<tricky> hi carolyn
<punkallstar> hey brook
*** brb is now known as DogFucker
<Sik0> hey C
<Sik0> what's up
<hip> hi carolyn
<punkallstar> hey si, katie
<punkallstar> same old
<punkallstar> just busted outta class
<hip> that didnt make me cry, dave
<punkallstar> gotta study for my latin exam tomorrow
<DogFucker> it made ME cry
<Sik0> hey C, it's a shame you were in here earlier
<Sik0> 'cos we were gonna have some fun with you
<Sik0> oh well
<hip> heh
<Sik0> it's probably better, 'cos you might not have found it as funny as we did
<Psychopathetic> hehe
<hip> how about it.
<hip> brb. pee.
<Psychopathetic> no prolly not.
* Sik0 hi5 again to all participants
<hip> hehe
<punkallstar> what do you mean si?
<Sik0> and Dave
<Sik0> arg
<Sik0> someone that types fast explain, please
<hip> we fucked with brook and then dave and made people think si had professed his undying love for me and i shot him down so he called me lots of mean names and i was pissed
<Psychopathetic>  hehe
<Psychopathetic> yeah, that.
* Psychopathetic hi fives
<hip> then we felt horrible to we let brook in on it and dave fell for it all.
<Sik0> haha
<punkallstar> ok
* Sik0 hi5
<Sik0> we RULE!
<hip> hah
<hip> yeah dude.
<Psychopathetic> hehehe
<Psychopathetic> d00d
<punkallstar> i think i get it
<Sik0> yea
<Sik0> it wasn't very complicated
<Sik0> but funny as hell
<Sik0> I hope someone logged that
<Sik0> if so, e-mail it to me
<Sik0> siko@loaded-gun.com
<punkallstar> ok
cream filling for hollow victories

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #31 on: June 01, 2009, 11:26:42 PM
haha, there is so much more than that but i am not going to post it all.
cream filling for hollow victories

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #32 on: June 01, 2009, 11:42:42 PM
<Thrash> mmmm, creamy pb on nipples
* Thrash hugs Si ....
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #33 on: June 01, 2009, 11:44:14 PM
<Sik0> time doesn't matter Brook

Like yours.  Only different.

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #34 on: June 01, 2009, 11:53:30 PM
man. i was so fucking deep.

<tricky> hey! im wearing leg-warmers! oh.

fucking brilliant.
you treat me like a monologue ho

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #35 on: June 02, 2009, 02:43:15 AM
Are we on the second page and still on topic? Amazing!
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #36 on: June 02, 2009, 04:35:52 PM
<Sik0> time doesn't matter Brook


Bahahaha! Man, that was fucking funny.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #37 on: September 06, 2018, 05:41:44 PM
Wow, I forgot about all of this ...

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #38 on: September 06, 2018, 08:49:59 PM
Was that from the irc channel?
Reality; A shared narrative we all agree to believe.

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #39 on: September 09, 2018, 03:50:29 PM
Yeah, from 2008 or 2009, I think ...

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!