here is the first part.. hehe.
*** tricky has joined #loaded-gun
*** ChanS sets mode: +o tricky
<hip> hi brook.
<tricky> hello
<Sik0> hey Brook
<SmokeySarah> hah
<tricky> hi
*** SmokeySarah is now known as Psychopathetic
<Psychopathetic> Katie..

<Psychopathetic> I don't know why you can't just forgive si for what he said.
<Psychopathetic> Look at him.

<tricky> what happened?
<hip> whatever.
<Sik0> I'm sorry, Katie, I really am
* tricky pokes in her nose where it doesnt belong
<Psychopathetic> how many times does he have to apologize?
<hip> well it really doesn't matter to me anymore, i'm so sick of online attitudes.

<Sik0> but I didn't mean it, Katie

<hip> nobody says anything they don't truly mean. whatever.
<Sik0> I was drunk!
<Sik0> I didn't know what I was saying!
<tricky> whatd you say you whore?
<tricky> hah n/m
<tricky> me too nosey
<hip> yeah that's about the jist of what he said.
<Psychopathetic> katie!!

I wish you guys wouldn't fight about it.. why don't you forgive him? You know he didnt mean it..
<hip> no, you're not too nosey. you should know the assholes you keep in your online company.
<Sik0> brb

<hip> hey. i'm not fighting. but i'm always the bitch even if i don't.
* gardenweasel lurches awake
<tricky> hey! im wearing leg-warmers! oh.
* Psychopathetic sighs *
<Sik0> I'm back
<Sik0> pleeeease forgive me
<gardenweasel> dude
<Sik0> I didn't mean it
<gardenweasel> that was low - even for you
<hip> then why would you say it.
<Sik0> I was drunk... and hurt
*** Thrash has joined #loaded-gun
<Sik0> it's not easy getting shot down
<Thrash> it's not?
<Sik0> and I thought yyou felt the same
<Thrash> sup all?
<gardenweasel> hey dave
<Sik0> hey Dave
<Thrash> What's going on with Si's heart now?
<Sik0> Katie hates me

<Thrash> Me too, I got over it
<Sik0> I told her how I really felt
<gardenweasel> hate is a strong word
<hip> i told you from the start, this is just like how it went with daylan, and once again, i'm the bitch. or rather, how did you put it? slut?
* Psychopathetic frowns *
<Sik0> and now she's mad
<gardenweasel> disgust more apt I think
<Thrash> what, she refuse you a juicy blowjob or something?
<Thrash> get over it
<Sik0> but I love her!
<Thrash> yeah, right
<Sik0> Dave, I'm not kidding
<Thrash> I'm not either
<Thrash> How can you truly love one you've never met in person?
<Thrash> That's gotta be a small fucking island you live on.
<Sik0> it is
<gardenweasel> Zofia and agreen
* Psychopathetic glares at Dave *
<Sik0> but that's not the point
<Psychopathetic> HEY!
<Thrash> I didn't buy it until they met
<Psychopathetic> I thought you loved me.
<gardenweasel> neither did I but they pulled it off
<hip> fuck zofia and andy
<hip> seriously
<Thrash> Oh, I do, there's no question, but to be truly in love meeting's REQUIRED
<hip> fuck the internet completely, relationships especially
<Psychopathetic> Alllllllright, then.
<hip> and fuck people who call me names
<Sik0> that's what I used to think, but it's different with you, Katie
<Thrash> I believe you love her, man ... I just don't believe it's enough to warrant heartache
<Sik0> well excuse me for falling for her
<gardenweasel> except creamy peanut butter
<Thrash> it's ok, just don't let it happen again
<Thrash> haha
<gardenweasel> that is worth any and all heartache
<Psychopathetic> mm creamy peanut butter.
<Thrash> mmmm, creamy pb on nipples
* Thrash hugs Si .... "It's ok, man, it really is!"
<Psychopathetic> si, nevermind dave. He's just bitter and cynical.
<Thrash> I AM NOT!
<Thrash> god, you people have me all wrong
<hip> you know what? im so fucking sick of people saying they love me and then telling me i'm a whore because i don't reciprocate their feelings.
<Thrash> I'm the furthest ne from it
<Sik0> but I didn't mean it!
<gardenweasel> well katie
<gardenweasel> in fairness you did send si those photos
<Thrash> welcome to the world of "Fox & Grapes Love", K8z
<gardenweasel> they were pretty extreme
<Thrash> why do I never get photos like this and why aren't they posted somewhere?
<hip> i don't think pictures can constitute feelings.
<Thrash> it's a start
<hip> hardly.
<Sik0> it wasn't just the photos
<Thrash> ... and what's this about me being bitter and cranky? what possibly from?
<gardenweasel> hard water?
<Sik0> it was YOU
<tricky> si... youve been talking to katie for how long???
<tricky> not long at all
<hip> well i sent those photos to a lot of people, okay??
<Thrash> it was how he wanked ever-so-slowly while viewing them
<tricky> how can you fall in love with someone so quickly?
<Sik0> time doesn't matter Brook
<hip> i'm not that fucking great, i'm not really even that pretty for christs sake. why would you love me.
<tricky> you need to ...
<tricky> uh do something
<Psychopathetic> Argh. I don't know what to tell you guys except that Si overreacted.. He shouldn't have called you what he did and he's sorry for it.. If he really thought those things about you, he wouldn't have told you he loved you.
<tricky> but katie i love you!
<hip> i mean other than platonically
<Thrash> oh, christ
<tricky> haha si you fool
<Thrash> love this, love that, love my dog's ass, love, love, love .... there, now we need not mention that evil word again

<Thrash> oh, wait ... one more time ....
<Thrash> I love you, Sarah
<Thrash> there, now we're done
<Thrash> I'll brb
<hip> i don't even want a fucking relationship, si!