My wife just bought a new PC (thanks for sizing it lucas, wherever you are...) and I think we're going to try to go "cloud" wherever we can. Open office, google products etc. The only "paid" software packages she needs are photoshop, illustrator, dreamweaver and some music production stuff. She could do a lot of her photoshop stuff in GIMP but the print shops that make her leaflets wont guarantee quality so it's not worth it.
Next time I get a day free I'm going to go buy a shitty old box, put linux on it and see how much of my daily computing needs can be taken care of without a paid-for OS. I'm guessing everything, unless work requires me to get a windows machine, in which case they can damn well pay for it.

Logged - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.