Who the hell would want an arranged marriage? Maybe if you are older and fat and super ugly, then MAYBE. But seriously, sheesh...
Although i AM older, fat, AND super ugly, yet and still
there IS something to be said for today's version of An Arranged Marriage:
VIA webz, we can make friends with folks, and KNOW that we like them, inside ~ the definite PLUS being that we can also SEE them,
in all their "fit" glory, rofl!!!
before ever even meeting, tete-a-tete!
NOW, the whole WORLD is a Meat Market Lounge, and dating isn't anything like it was.
but you're 16, right?
13?!? N-O W-A-Y, Jose... Cripes! i had you figured for at LEAST 23, probably 24...
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 11:52:53 AM by fyrenza »

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IS Infinity