backstory details: my roommate and i moved into the apartment last august, after both of us ended long-term relationships and each needed to vacate the homes we had shared until then with our respective ex-boyfriends. i landed the apartment through my boss--my landlord is an old friend of hers who had just that month purchased the condo and was almost finished redoing things such as carpeting, painting, new windows, etcetera. i also knew him from around town happenings (if you live here for even a short period of time, you quickly realize you get to know everyone, as well as everyone's business--unfortunately...but that's another topic entirely). anyway, i spoke with this guy, he said he'll give me a great deal on the apartment, no lease, no first/last/security bullshit. i can stay as long as i want, and since there is a 2nd bedroom, i could certainly find a roommate to move in to help with expenses. i couldn't have afforded it on my own, so i turned to my then best friend, who was in a similar situation to mine, as i explained before. aside from the general assholeness she exuded on a regular basis, and her pig sty of a room that i just closed the door on whenever she wasn't home, things were not too terrible. until...
Saturday June 11, 2009
after i close up my bar, i go to meet my bf and his visiting brother out at another place in town, and get there around midnight. in the space of that one hour between midnight and last call at 1am, this girl, trish, causes numerous scenes in front of us with other people in the bar, yelling, calling them names, keeps begging me to go smoke outside, knowing full well that i'm trying to quit for both myself and my boyfriend who hates it. at one point she actually put me in some sort of a headlock thing and dragged me half sideways outside through the pulsing crowd of throngs of people, just to tell me she wanted me to take her home IMMEDIATELY. obviously i refused, as i was finally sick and tired of being her babysitter. she had gone to this bar with a girl who, just about 6 years ago, the two of them were escorted from another of our favorite watering holes for threatening to kill me and slit the throats of all the members of my family (that night it was because i set her off by telling her how nice her hair looked. i am a total asshole!). side story--she's regularly banned on and off from both of these "late-night" spots in our town for being off her rocker inebriated and threatening violence and or actually physically hurting people or property. this night starts to wind down, and she has stormed away from me at the bar about 4 times in a huff and swearing at me after i refused to leave my group to take her home because she "wasn't having fun anymore". she keeps taking off on foot to go home, then suddenly reappears to act happy and congenial again, only to repeat her flip out and leave again. anyhow, we are all outside getting ready to go, and she's back, this time surrounded by a group of 5 maybe 21 y/o guys, strangers of course, two with their arms over her shoulders, and she's telling me she's going to a party at their rental house. i should go too! no thanks. i told her to get in my car and now i would take her home. nope, not happening. i'm tired of arguing with her, turn around, and after a moment she has disappeared with the group of dudes. i get a call about 20 minutes later, she's sobbing, begging me to come get her because the guys supposedly kicked her out of their car. she's somewhere in the streets of our town, too drunk to tell me exactly where. so i'm scanning the area because i'm a fucking sucker, and lo and behold, get pulled over by one of our men in blue, who have a serious penchant for arresting young people and charging them with dui's even when they're not deserved. thank god i knew him, and explained to him the situation at hand. he helped me find her, and eventually i got her home. she had a bit of a rant at the house, threw some stuff around in her room after i left her to go to bed, and then that was it. for that night, anyway.
Tuesday June 14, 2009
i'm working late at the bar, and afterwards am spending the night out away from my apartment. two or three nights a week i spend the night at a relative's house, making sure her 16y/o daughter isn't throwing parties or the like, while her mother works overnight shifts at a local fire department. i receive a phone call around 1:45am from this trainwreck of a girl, screaming and sobbing that i need to come get her at this guy's house. i can hear her on and off again 43 y/o manfriend shouting at her in the background to "GTFO of the house" and calling her a whore (which in all fairness, she is seriously the biggest whore i've ever met). as bad as i feel that i should go rescue her, despite knowing she's probably the one who caused the problem in the first place, i tell her i'm sorry, but i can't leave, i'm in bed, watching my cousin, yada yada. she flips out at me and hangs up. wednesday morning, i'm walking up the stairs to my condo, and what do i see but blood droplets on my deck outside the door, and wait a second! there's no window where there used to be one leading into the kitchen! instead, there's just broken glass and blood everywhere, my personally handmade curtain (fabric i got in scotland) tattered and bloody, blowing in the breeze, with a gaping, glass sharded hole into my kitchen. what the fuck? so i tentatively go into the apartment, and see that the blood trails throughout the kitchen, glass everywhere of course, and down the hallway to her room. i try not to freak out, as my stuff has been strewn about carelessly, and there's bloody clothes all over the bathroom counter and floor. she comes out of her room when she hears me there, and laughs about how this is "so typical trish!" and claims she will take care of it after she finishes work that day at 5. and oh yeah, can i drive her there, late though she is, seeing as her care got repo-ed last november and she has been bumming rides ever since. needless to say, she never cleaned up the blood or the broken glass, and wrote it all off as a joke, while my boyfriend helped me clean up, and he screwed a board in place of the window until she got it repaired. she didn't spend another night here.