1. "Organic" and "Natural" food is too expensive. The average consumer can not afford these products. I do not buy "Organic" and "natural" because it is simply not in my budget. Trendy Joe's and HipsterFoods is in no way cheaper than Acme. I can eat organic all I want, but what's the point of eating organic when I can't pay my water bills?
2. "but it might be nice to try to encourage people to eat meat at 1 meal a day instead of 3 meals a day as a starting point."
Emp, I'm sorry, but this is a fairy tale dream. Try telling this to someone who has to live a diabetic, protein rich diet, to give up the best source of protein... lean meat.
I live this life. Trust me, I would RATHER be a vegetarian. I tried it! It doesnt work.I got tired of passing out, the hunger headaches, shaking... I need to eat a substantial amount of protein at every meal or I might as well not eat at all.
Keep in mind I can't live on nuts alone, am (hilariously) lactose intolerant and eating soy products even at one meal a day means ovarian cancer for me in 10 years. (and WTF fucking soy is EVERYWHERE ANYMORE)
I am not, in any way, defending the food industry. Serious change on the part of the government needs to happen so that healthier foods are more within reach of the lower classes. Germany has a better grip on food production with its purity laws. But there just isn't one blanket answer for all of us.
As a side note, what I ate for dinner last night: Hummus, chicken skewers with vegetables. What I really wanted? to pull all the chicken off and only eat the vegetables.