No cloned pussy yet. I forgot to ask her to bring it over last night. We had a great time yesterday, and last night.

She got her results back from the STD tests and everything is negative. Sweet! As I said in another thread my Molloscum has been gone a little over two weeks, and all I have left are a few (4) red spots/scars from where I tore the things off.
Last night we came back to my place and had a lot of fun. She fucked herself with my cloned cock while I masturbated. The smile on her face was priceless... she said she loves seeing guys jerk off. When I blew my load, it was a fucking geyser and covered her chest. She was like "WOW that was a lot of cum!"
Also, we figured out that fucking herself with the rubber cock isn't easy. It has to be well lubed up to work - I guess the rubber against skin is not too condusive.