>> i said it was ok to firebomb the entire country. i take that back. my apologies to both present day germany and the nazi regime! <<
Don't feel bad. We turned around after that war and divided up one country in never ending civil war, invented another that now exhibits very strong nazi tendencies, and then only a few short years later used an outright lie to enable the dropping and use of more ordinance on one tiny backwards country than all the munitions used by all sides in both world wars plus a million tons of chemical poisons.
Did the good guys really win WWII? Or rephrased, did the bad guys really lose? And what was it really about.
You shouldn't hide your feelings you should speak out, because without expressing them they can't be questioned.
Without facing questions you can never realize that those feelings are in some obscure way programed in by the society we live in.
I sure heard a lot of that sentiment after 9-11 regarding Arabs in general. Yet to this day we can't be certain that any Arabs were even involved.
But at least you realize the error of such thought and yet ironically such broad and irrational thinking may be all that can save us in the end. I wouldn't want to be a banker or a cop in the coming years.