Are you seriously arguing that would be a really keen idea for Israel to abandon the high ground that gives them radar over Syria (and thus discouraging another attempt at invasion), and just twiddle their thumbs as the self-exiled Jordanians (you would call them "Palestinians") set up artillery in the hills to rain down on the Jews they have sworn to annihilate, and possibly cut-off or poison one of Israel's main water sources?
What is it that is so unique about Israel, that when
they are threatened with invasion by another nation, and capture land from the
they are by some contortion of culpability accused of aggression and thievery?
You want to talk historical time lines?

"Judea" is the word from which we get "Jew", if you were not already aware.
The "Pillistines", from which we later got "Palestine" were Hellenic colonists, who were later wiped out by the Phoenicians. Ironic, since the very name "Phillistine" essentially means "invader".
Get that? No Palestinians. They're dead. Have been for thousands of years.
The exile Jordanians, who exiled
themselves right before the rest of the Arabs attempted to invade Israel on the promise that after the genocide they could come back and reclaim the lands they abandoned, and in some cases even
sold to Israelis before leaving, have no cultural, genetic, or historic connection to the long-dead Palestinians.
The only connection that they
do have is in that the Romans, to punish rebelious Judeans, at one point renamed the province of Judea "Palestine", saying a big fuck you to their cultural identity. The British later, unwittingly, labeled Israel "Palestine" when they were carving up their own maps. Those who call themselves "Palestinians" today are nothing more than the descendants of Jordanian immigrant workers who migrated to Israel because there was work there, then ran off when they were given a chance to profit from fucking over a bunch of Jews from the Dar-al Harb.
Their little gambit didn't pan out quite as expected, and the rest is history... or should I say the rewriting of history to fit into a pro-jihad narrative, along with some Marxist angles tossed in during the 70's to gain sympathy with naive Westerners.
PS- Jordanian flag:

"Palestinian" flag:

Notice anything?