There are strategic decisions about what to cover and how hard to cover it that are made by all news agencies.
FOX, for example, has decided not to broadcast the most recent 3 Presidential addresses (including the infamous child-brainwashing speech). This selective reporting wasn't just fluke. FOX has been running stories on the Tea Party movement to the exclusion of discussion of the details of the attempts at healthcare reform. I credit FOX to a great degree for bringing about the Sept 12 March Against Obama.
As Balor has pointed out a few times, MSNBC isn't bias-free either. They did a pretty sketchy job of covering up the race of black Obama protesters according to a youtube clip Balor posted, and they are beginning to get on my nerves with their constant replaying and replaying of the Joe Wilson "Liar!" clip. This is an interesting foil to the FOX replaying and replaying of the Joe Wilson "I've already apologized, the president accepted my apology. I'm not going to apologize again." clip.
The news agencies haven't had any integrity since days of Edward R. Murrow. I've become resigned to the idea that News is the same as Political Entertainment these days. What gets me about FOX, though, is that they have this unflinching straight man way of describing themselves as "fair" and "balanced." FOX fans claim that FOX is the only network where you can hear the truth, and as silly as it sounds they actually believe this. It's kind of sad I suppose, ultimately, but I find their audacity and their cheek to be amusing. That they can stand before a national audience and blatantly push a perspective while simultaneously laying claim to and indeed inspiring belief in some pure and unvarnished version of reality which only they can guide their viewers to.
I see the same humor in the hand-wringing televangelists that promote poverty, decry avarice, and... pass the plate to help the faithful buttress themselves against the advances of Mammon.
It's the audacity of it all. Audacity enlivens me. That's why I watch FOX.