OMG, I HAD MEXICANS AT MY HOUSE LAST WEEK, BUILDING A FENCE.Quote from: ms. sarah mascaraWell if it was a fence that was supposed to protect us from swine flu, you FUCKING FAILED.
Well if it was a fence that was supposed to protect us from swine flu, you FUCKING FAILED.
I just have no faith in anything Bill Bryson puts to paper. He's been proven a liar.
Apparently 1% of the static on a tv channel with nothing on is from the Big Bang.
Blah blah blah nothing has been proven, it's a theory, so you're arguing nothing. Static is an empty frequency.
OK fine, but drawing a straight line directly connecting one to one to the other, as Jai says Bryson has, is fallacy.
Quote from: Zoomie on September 23, 2009, 01:50:55 PMI just have no faith in anything Bill Bryson puts to paper. He's been proven a liar.This may be true, but at least he's a hell of a lot more entertaining than Michael Moore.
Warning!It has come to our attention that certain percaminious individuals are continuing to cause unnecessary craymon. This can prove to be dericulous and extremely damaging. Any recarnders who continue these practices will face automatic boduption. If you have any questions, refer them to your immediate carastapor.This is your last warning!
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!