Nobody I know.
I went for a walk due to not feeling slighty ill. Was walking past the pub and out of the corner of my eye I aw three people exit the pub ( one female, 2 males - one still nursing his drink ), one guy pushed the girl, in a way I knew was not friendly.
The one with the drink was trying to talk the other guy down, other guys pushes the girl again. She has head down, totaly submissive. Dickhead guy was really drunk.
At that point I should of poked my head inside and told the barstaff to call the security over and keep an eye on it. However I saw the people inside looking over and talking to themselves and talking to others AND i saw the look on the bar staffs face. I knew they knew something was up, so I stayed outside and about 7 metres from the situation.
The girl walked a few metres to a bench and sat down. The dickhead walked over to her and started the verbal abuse. He then grabed her purse/wallet and while walking towards me took all the money out. He then walked back to the girl.
Drink holding guy during all this had tried to and then given up on talking to dickhead and went back inside. People inside pub still watching and looking at eachother with disbelieving expressions.
Dickhead then grabs girls hair and pulls hard.
I shout 'oi' as you do.
Dickhead then gets up and comes towards me asking, as dickheads do, 'What's your problem ?'.
I let him get too close and he got me a rather good one. he then walks off past the girl and out of my sight.
I then go into the pub and ask where the security is. I think the blood I was dripping on the floor got the barstaffs attention.
Girl was alone outside. I saw guy return and nobody was outside.
I went back outside, as you do. ( I knew from the begining I wouldnt stand a chance against the guy but something/body had to distract him. )
He locked onto me again and pushed me into the doorway. ( recessed with 5 normal depth steps going up )
I got turned around and ended up with my back towards him up against the wall in the doorway with him hitting the back and side of my head for about 10 seconds. The he started pulling at my shirt. The back of the shirt ripped off totaly turn me slighty so he had a clear shot at my face again, which he took advantage of.
He then left.
I went inside.
Security guy showed up 10 mins later. The longest it takes to walk from any point in the complex (two bars, gamming, tab (you call them off track betting thingys ) restaurant and liquor store )) is about 90 seconds.
Cops showed up about 5 mins ater that.