It's time we discussed our facial hair.
What kind of moustaches, beards, and combinations have you tried before? How does you facial hair look right now? Favorite facial-hair products? Grooming tips?
I have worn several styles in the past, but to put them in the order of most common usage for me we get:
1 - Federation Standard (mainly only because I was a kid for so much of my life...)
2 - Petit Goatee (while I waited for the sides to fill in...)
3 - Goatee (my normal face)
4 - Van Dyke (my current face)
5 - Handlebar (I did this for a year just for kicks)
6 - Hollywoodian (I did this for a year as I let myself go after undergrad. I also grew my hair long.)
7&8 - Handlebar and Goatee, and Copstash Standard (Somewhat rare for me. I do this when I'm feeling adventurous)
9&10 - Fu Manchu, The Zappa (My most common "I'm screwing around. Look at me!" face)
11 - Soul Patch (Only for less than a day. I do this whenever I go from anything beardy to the Federation Standard)