How would you define good oral sex?
It seems like such a personal topic.
My fuckbuddy was telling me how he was dating some girl, and she said to him one time, oh so that's what good head is! Like, she was complimenting him on his cunnilingus. I've only had four people go down on me ever, one of them was a one time thing and I don't remember if it was good or not. So of the three people I remember the skill level of, my fuckbuddy is kind of "meh". Not all that great. My last ex was fucking amazing at it. He could do it for a long, long time, and he was really good at fingering too. My other ex (you know who) was pretty good, but not like my other ex. My fuckbuddy is just ok when it comes to going down, so I'm sort of shocked that some girl told him that he gives good oral.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 11:21:03 PM by tricky »

you treat me like a monologue ho