Tru is what happens when you combine a Phillip K Dick novel with a house full of cats.
My car needs ANOTHER new engine (this will be the 4th rotary), but I haven't felt like going to the Mazda dealership.
What I need to do, is find another girl; one that is girlfriend-material. I'm just feeling so lazy because I have it in the bag, so to say. Even my boss is telling me to text Sasha2, and go out on dates with more women like I was last year, because "J" sounds psycho to him. I just lack motivation in every aspect of my life, except work. I mean I paid $1000 on 10/14/2008 for two correspondence classes. The sign up stuff is still sitting on my counter. I haven't even ordered the materials yet. I have 9 months to finish the course, and it's already been 5.5 months. Plus my musical equipment. I haven't touched it in months. Theremin and Kaossilator.Xbox 360. I have 5 unopened games. The thing hasn't been turned on in nearly two Bought it a couple of years ago. Haven't updated in a year. The exhaust fan in my bathroom is broken and I have been meaning to fix it. Meaning to fix it for over a year. My car needs ANOTHER new engine (this will be the 4th rotary), but I haven't felt like going to the Mazda dealership. There is a weight set in my garage that has been sitting there for 3 years. The first year and a half after I bought it, it remained in the box. A year and a half ago I unboxed it and set it up. It's been setup ever since, but not used once.I haven't bought my tickets for Japan yet -- actually haven't even looked, and my time off is 4/16 - 4/28. Sigh. blah blah blah blah blah. I really don't ever feel like doing much of anything.
I just lack motivation in every aspect of my life, except work. I mean I paid $1000 on 10/14/2008 for two correspondence classes.
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!
And yes, they are spit shined to a mirror finish. I wonder if Zoomie still does this?
Docs, not Crocs.My footwear.
Quote from: Doormouse on March 31, 2009, 01:32:57 AMDocs, not Crocs.My footwear.I still have a pair of steel-toed oxblood Docs, but I don't wear 'em very often anymore. Actually I hardly even wear my steel-toed Cats these days.
Is that you? If it is you like quite different there than you do in the pic you sent to me!