and then our power went out for like twelve hours yesterday. that was fucking retarded.
Power-cuts blow. The menu sounds good though!
We had roast beef tonight. I chunked a bunch of garlic and slipped bits into the roast in almost a net-shape. Then made a dry-rub from garlic salt, black pepper, paprika, and some dried basil and coated the whole thing. We roasted it on top of a whole tray of brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrots, and sliced potatoes and then deglazed and made a red wine reduction with the resulting juices and some stock and some more finely diced garlic. Our friend Talia made Yorkshire puddings and we had a roasted feast. Awesome.
If garlic were fire I'd be a dragon. Luckily smelling like you just ate a lot of garlic is only a problem if your partner didn't just eat a lot of garlic too.