Is that a steel roof? I've been trying to get the wife to go along with something like that on that rental I've been working on but she says they are too noisy in the rain.
I spent the night over there Halloween gave out candy and scared a bunch of kids. It was a blast. Must have been 50 to 60 kids came by. I didn't exactly stay sober but I didn't get carried away either. Threw what decorations I could get together at the very last minute. It turned out really well though, simple but effective with the laptop echoing scary ambiance sounds throughout the dark empty house. In the rush (because I didn't decide to go over until the last minute) I completely forgot my fogger though, it would have been a nice touch.
Then I found out one of the girls I grew up with as a kid is living alone in her dads old place around the corner so I went over and talked to her a while for the first time in well over thirty years. She had a lot of gossip to share about the lives of many of the others from back when we were all kids. I will be seeing her again.
Then I stopped at the store on the way home the next day and ran into an old drinking buddy vet I haven't seen in 25 years. He didn't recognize me and maybe I should have kept my mouth shut ... but I didn't.
Anyway the VA finally came through for him and now he's living in Reno and pretty well set.
He gave me a phone number for another vet friend/drinking buddy I haven't seen in 20 years.
It was all very strange or something.