I'm in a long-distance relationship, and watch a LOT of porn in between visits. She knows I watch porn and she's told me that she watches porn. We've watched porn together. I'm actually typing this on my girl's computer right now in NYC, so I should check and see what kind of porn she watches. I tend to watch a bit of everything. Streaming porn websites is probably the greatest invention of this decade as far as I am concerned. The worst invention of the decade is "auto-complete" urls in firefox browser window, because typing just about any combination of letters on my computer suggests you visit a porn site.
www.youporn.comwww.shufuni.comwww.pornhub.comare my favorite (those are all legit, cost and bullshit free, massive porn databases).
I tend to enjoy watching amateur porn over "porn" porn because I prefer naturally looking people having passionate sex as opposed to fake looking crazy people having staged fake sex. I also like watching group sex videos with lots of tits, dicks, and vagina going all over the place, "let's play a little game called 'who's in my mouth?'" because those videos are fun and sometimes you can get bored of watching the same two people go at it, so it's more interesting to watch like 8 people randomly pair off with each other and then switch up. It's bizarre, I can't imagine how that would ever happen in real life but apparently it does and it gets filmed.

Pour the wine, hold the grind, quarter to nine, let's go.