
Quote from: Thrash
If I'm clean shaven, I look like early 20s ....
Quote from: Mosh
If by early 20's you actually mean 37, then youre bang on.

I am not a birther,but(Read 25522 times)
Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #90 on: August 30, 2009, 03:30:43 PM
i don't believe hhBill is a racist;

however, THAT is way some "rednecks" think, and act.

I don't think he is either and I grew up 500 miles south of him.

But if I recall he did used to go to an Indian chiropractor whom he lovingly called "nigger Joe"...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #91 on: August 30, 2009, 04:30:28 PM
I don't know him well enough to even have an opinion on who he is, but that was a pretty fucking racist sounding statement.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #92 on: August 30, 2009, 04:56:25 PM
THAT's the point!

"Rednecks" are supposed to be JUST as racist as, say, White Supremacists,

only They work at "cowboy" (read that: grunt labor, rain or shine, heat or cold: REbuilding fences; rounding up stray cattle; shoveling chicken shit; picking cotton; tearing down old places for the wood's resale value; etc.) jobs.

(Also Read That:  no benefits; no insurance; no frickin' NOTHING, but "under-the-table" pay...)

Si?  Just because we disagree with Obozo doesn't make us Racists, nor does the fact that we're southerners.  hhBill IS an intelligent, thinking man, and a good person to have around ~ for shits-n-grins, for discussion, for information, for partying down with.

i can't be an "advertisement" for him, anymore.

Just get to know him ~ he's a respectFUL man, as well as a man deserving of respect, and you truly WILL be missing out on something if he up and leaves.
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #93 on: August 30, 2009, 04:57:42 PM
To equate racism to a statement like "half breed zebra" is indicative of how indoctrinated people are.  It's only words.  The reason racism exists in the first place is because people allow it to by their desire to appear "outraged" (politically correct) anytime a person makes a statement that remotely deals with race.  Most people cannot say anything about race these days without feeling as if they're walking on eggshells.  I don't play that game and I don't have any insecurities talking about race because it's not an issue to me.  I judge people based on who they are as individuals.  I could not give a fuck less about a person's skin color.  

How is calling Obama a "half breed zebra" any more racist against blacks than it is whites?  After all, he is both.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #94 on: August 30, 2009, 05:13:27 PM
I don't see how the word zebra is racist in any way.
(BTW it was actually Wankface Stone's tirade about "niggers" and "black people need to grow balls" was one of the things that started the migration to LG)

Anyway, on the Obama thing, I just see it as a football.America wants to promote itself as the "melting pot of the world" and that will eventually mean non-US born people becoming president.
But if Obama is non US born, it just wont come out and ever be admitted to, IMO.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #95 on: August 30, 2009, 05:22:51 PM
i don't believe hhBill is a racist;

however, THAT is way some "rednecks" think, and act.

I don't think he is either and I grew up 500 miles south of him.

But if I recall he did used to go to an Indian chiropractor whom he lovingly called "nigger Joe"...

no no no.. "nigger joe" is the6peace8keeper on hipforums.

 he is white and racist as they come. there is a long story behind why we call his swastika tattooed ass that,ill save it for another day..

 no i aint racist, if you recall zoomie,we even protested at the KKK rally here.

 they are just fucking words. but im sure the crowd here disagrees..

i will say one thing for this crew, they didnt all freak out when i said he was mulatto and not black.. thats better than over there for sure..
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 05:26:08 PM by hippiehillbilly »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #96 on: August 30, 2009, 05:26:25 PM
To equate racism to a statement like "half breed zebra" is indicative of how indoctrinated people are.  It's only words.  The reason racism exists in the first place is because people allow it to by their desire to appear "outraged" (politically correct) anytime a person makes a statement that remotely deals with race.  Most people cannot say anything about race these days without feeling as if they're walking on eggshells.  I don't play that game and I don't have any insecurities talking about race because it's not an issue to me.  I judge people based on who they are as individuals.  I could not give a fuck less about a person's skin color.  

How is calling Obama a "half breed zebra" any more racist against blacks than it is whites?  After all, he is both.

FTW, brah, FTW!!!
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #97 on: August 30, 2009, 05:29:34 PM
I don't know him well enough to even have an opinion on who he is, but that was a pretty fucking racist sounding statement.

Highlighted to clarify. You may well not be racist, but that was a racist SOUNDING statement, especially to those of us who don't know you almost at all.

Also, if you were to call Obama (or any other mixed person) a "half breed zebra" to his face, how do you think he'd react?
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #98 on: August 30, 2009, 05:34:12 PM
To equate racism to a statement like "half breed zebra" is indicative of how indoctrinated people are.  It's only words.  The reason racism exists in the first place is because people allow it to by their desire to appear "outraged" (politically correct) anytime a person makes a statement that remotely deals with race.  Most people cannot say anything about race these days without feeling as if they're walking on eggshells.  I don't play that game and I don't have any insecurities talking about race because it's not an issue to me.  I judge people based on who they are as individuals.  I could not give a fuck less about a person's skin color.  

How is calling Obama a "half breed zebra" any more racist against blacks than it is whites?  After all, he is both.

FTW, brah, FTW!!!

Does this mean I have to stop saying Brah now?

Anyway, this is all reminding me of:

For the record, racism is alive and well in Tejas based on the following exchange...

Old man: You look like a nice young military man... Whatcho doin' wit' dat Chinee girl, boy???

Me: Actually, she's Korean.

Old Man: Don't you back talk me, boy...

The thing is, sometimes, no one cares.  Cap Metro, Austin's Pubic Transportation, is employer to more Black folks that any other race, right?

A couple of years ago, there was a chick that worked there that called everyone niggers ~ to their faces  :o ~ and no one got upset or pissed off, 'cuz she was a country girl and they all knew it, and they knew she didn't mean anything by it, it was just the way she grew up.  (Ignorant, obviously, but no one held that against her.)

« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 05:34:40 PM by Sakhi »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #99 on: August 30, 2009, 05:39:10 PM

Highlighted to clarify. You may well not be racist, but that was a racist SOUNDING statement, especially to those of us who don't know you almost at all.

Also, if you were to call Obama (or any other mixed person) a "half breed zebra" to his face, how do you think he'd react?

i find it extremely amusing that a place where the mods are deemed "hitler jesus" has a problem with what i said..

so its OK to  be offensive and make light of religion, the holocaust  and all that, but how dare i make a statement that could be construed as racist.. ::)

 whatever, think what ya want, i dont have to prove who or what i am to folks who have no problem with that kinda shit..

 if you expect it, then your a hypocrite.

 and how would i expect obama to act? hopefully he would be highly offended .. i cant stand the fascist pig, thats what i would hope for.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #100 on: August 30, 2009, 05:48:24 PM
I'm a place now? I speak for myself, not for the board.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #101 on: August 30, 2009, 06:09:16 PM
I'm a place now? I speak for myself, not for the board.


We've got Zebras running countries, places running around being hypocritical, what is the world coming to?
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 06:10:13 PM by Sakhi »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #102 on: August 30, 2009, 06:24:48 PM
I'm a place now? I speak for myself, not for the board.

 i see hitler jesus under your name. thats reason enough for me to justify addressing  that statement to you..

 im quite sure you could change it or have someone else if you wanted to. but obviously you are not concerned about someone finding it offensive,so im not real concerned about what you think..


Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #103 on: August 30, 2009, 06:27:09 PM
No no you guys have it all wrong: Racism... So what? Think whatever you want to think about the superiority of your race or the inferiority of others'. The important thing is that you recognize that your conspiracy theories that Obama was born in Kenya boil down to a racist refusal to believe he could be as American as apple pie. Maybe you yourself are not racist maybe you are. Who cares. The original conspiratorial speculations, though, and the happy footing these theories have gained in certain segments of society are directly related to racism and not to any concrete or factual concerns about Obama secretly working to undermine the country. Obama's supposedly shady origins are just the newest in a long line of bogey-men thrown up against the wall to see if they would stick. This particular line of wild theorizing has found a solid purchase on the minds of the racist, fearful, and ignorant.

I feel like the whole conversation is shifting focus from what's really going on here. Nobody is shocked by your racism, but in pointing it out the hope is to direct your attention to the root of your "birther" claims, and the reason there are so many of you dim-wits out there. Anyway since every one of us in this thread has repeatedly averred that we "didn't care" what others thought, that we didn't think the truth would ever be found, or that we don't think that knowledge of the truth would change anything in this government run by FreeMasons,... I think it's probably time to move on.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #104 on: August 30, 2009, 06:52:19 PM
Actually, I dont think HHB has been racist... just descriptive...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #105 on: August 30, 2009, 06:56:12 PM
Jesus Hitler was an intentionally offensive song by Carnivore.

Hitler Jesus was an anti-social institution of chikkn rape.

Anyway, whenever I see this thread I think of that Big Pun song that has the line I'm not a player I just crush a lot.

Edited to get the right freakin' rapper (I don't like either Fat Joe or Big Pun and got them confused).
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 07:28:31 PM by Emperor Reagan »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #106 on: August 30, 2009, 06:56:26 PM
No no you guys have it all wrong: Racism... So what? Think whatever you want to think about the superiority of your race or the inferiority of others'. The important thing is that you recognize that your conspiracy theories that Obama was born in Kenya boil down to a racist refusal to believe he could be as American as apple pie. Maybe you yourself are not racist maybe you are. Who cares. The original conspiratorial speculations, though, and the happy footing these theories have gained in certain segments of society are directly related to racism and not to any concrete or factual concerns about Obama secretly working to undermine the country. Obama's supposedly shady origins are just the newest in a long line of bogey-men thrown up against the wall to see if they would stick. This particular line of wild theorizing has found a solid purchase on the minds of the racist, fearful, and ignorant.

I feel like the whole conversation is shifting focus from what's really going on here. Nobody is shocked by your racism, but in pointing it out the hope is to direct your attention to the root of your "birther" claims, and the reason there are so many of you dim-wits out there. Anyway since every one of us in this thread has repeatedly averred that we "didn't care" what others thought, that we didn't think the truth would ever be found, or that we don't think that knowledge of the truth would change anything in this government run by FreeMasons,... I think it's probably time to move on.

Excuse me??  WE are shocked by racism, 'cuz we weren't raised that way.  Some southern folks were, certainly.  But i wasn't.

i can't really speak for anyone else, except to say that just the fact that you've fallen for THAT, pretty much proves who IS and who ISN't a racist.

Why can't Y'ALL get over that?  Why is that ALWAYS what you try to end the discussions with?

It isn't true.  There are SO MANY other things, SO MUCH more important, and y'all are still dickin' around throwing that up in our faces?


You're just a bit behind the times, folks...

Sad, but true.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 06:57:48 PM by fyrenza »
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #107 on: August 30, 2009, 07:02:59 PM
no no no.. "nigger joe" is the6peace8keeper on hipforums.

 he is white and racist as they come. there is a long story behind why we call his swastika tattooed ass that,ill save it for another day..

 no i aint racist, if you recall zoomie,we even protested at the KKK rally here.

OK, I have a tendency to mix things up sometimes.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #108 on: August 30, 2009, 07:05:40 PM
I don't consider race to be important.  Maybe you do.

I don't see what questioning Obama's citizenship has to do with racism.  The media certainly has done its part to make people think that questioning Obama is somehow racist, which, to most rational-minded people is just ridiculous..  There are enough gullible, dumbed-down idiots in this country who will believe the propaganda, though.  Unless you can provide some sort of substantial proof to show that questioning Obama's citizenship equates to racism, I say you're just talking out your ass like the typical reactionary partisan. Keep in mind that HHB and myself do not align ourselves with any political party or left/right ideology.

No no you guys have it all wrong: Racism... So what? Think whatever you want to think about the superiority of your race or the inferiority of others'. The important thing is that you recognize that your conspiracy theories that Obama was born in Kenya boil down to a racist refusal to believe he could be as American as apple pie. Maybe you yourself are not racist maybe you are. Who cares. The original conspiratorial speculations, though, and the happy footing these theories have gained in certain segments of society are directly related to racism and not to any concrete or factual concerns about Obama secretly working to undermine the country. Obama's supposedly shady origins are just the newest in a long line of bogey-men thrown up against the wall to see if they would stick. This particular line of wild theorizing has found a solid purchase on the minds of the racist, fearful, and ignorant.

I feel like the whole conversation is shifting focus from what's really going on here. Nobody is shocked by your racism, but in pointing it out the hope is to direct your attention to the root of your "birther" claims, and the reason there are so many of you dim-wits out there. Anyway since every one of us in this thread has repeatedly averred that we "didn't care" what others thought, that we didn't think the truth would ever be found, or that we don't think that knowledge of the truth would change anything in this government run by FreeMasons,... I think it's probably time to move on.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 07:06:35 PM by Pressed_Rat »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #109 on: August 30, 2009, 07:08:40 PM
i find it extremely amusing that a place where the mods are deemed "hitler jesus" has a problem with what i said..

Why are we entertaining somebody with these obs skills ?
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #110 on: August 30, 2009, 07:18:06 PM
I don't consider race to be important.  Maybe you do.

If race isn't important then why even assert that he's playing the race card? That's not important either, is it?
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #111 on: August 30, 2009, 07:23:37 PM
Oh dear. You seem to have lost sight of the forest for the trees. I said your racism isn't the issue. By the same token, obviously, your lack of racism is not the issue. The issue is that this "birther" nonsense is being whipped up into a frenzy by those that are racist. There are plenty of valid ways to criticize political opponents, but refusing to accept that he is on an equal footing with you (by merit of his skin color or citizenship or anything) despite the repeated legal and legislative findings and determinations that he is is an invalid way to criticize the person. To adopt the words used by Judge Surrick in his dismissal of Berg's original set of skillfully-crafted legal claims, these arguments are "frivolous and not worthy of discussion." What a pity so much ink has been spilled on something so patently ridiculous.

I know many people who toe the "birther" line consider themselves completely free from racism and instead consider themselves merely concerned citizens who have happened upon something that worries them. Do any of these birthers stop to consider how many proofs of acceptability they have either seen or even demanded of any public figures in the past? Ever? This is the first time most of them have ever been so concerned with the issue. Usually they rely on government fact finders and independent organizations to suss out the truth, but this time something's different. The fact-finders and independent organizations and government agencies are all involved in some giant cover-up conspiracy this time. Normally this level of crackpotism is restricted to a few resolute tin-foil-hat-wearers, but this time it's so widespread that I think the race issue may have a lot to do with it. What would you attribute it to? Lead in the drinking water?

This whole thing spun out of the "His name is Hussein! What is he hiding? I think he's an Arab!" racist drivel that came out of the lead-up to the election. What a pathetic lack of attention to any issues that matter. What a frivolous and unworthy discussion.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 07:31:52 PM by Doormouse »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #112 on: August 30, 2009, 07:58:12 PM
HitlerJesus is a long running in joke. Pay it no attention.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #113 on: August 30, 2009, 08:36:10 PM
i find it extremely amusing that a place where the mods are deemed "hitler jesus" has a problem with what i said..

Why are we entertaining somebody with these obs skills ?

 that is a excellent question that you all should ask yourselves..   :o

 for the record, i could care less about the hitler jesus thing or my zebra comment. its all the same in my eyes. im not a racist or a bigot and i really dont think any of your are either.. as i said before, its just words.


Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #114 on: August 30, 2009, 08:45:52 PM
But...but... words can hurt!
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #115 on: August 30, 2009, 09:58:03 PM
I don't consider race to be important.  Maybe you do.

If race isn't important then why even assert that he's playing the race card? That's not important either, is it?

Because playing the race card exists, and it's alright to be racist in America if you're black.  The biggest racists I have met have all been black.  Simple observation.  Apparently race is important to some people.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 10:00:02 PM by Pressed_Rat »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #116 on: August 30, 2009, 10:04:29 PM
I've never met an angry black man who didn't have every right to be angry. I've also never met an angry black man whom I couldn't talk to and prove that I wasn't a threat. I also live in a county where the KKK wanted to participate in the "Adopt-a-road" program and caused the program to be discontinued.

Maybe you should get out more.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #117 on: August 30, 2009, 10:15:21 PM
I've never met anyone -- black, white, Hispanic, Asian, or other -- who has a good reason to blame an entire race of people for problems which are ultimately their own.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 10:16:21 PM by Pressed_Rat »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #118 on: August 30, 2009, 10:17:46 PM
you can still adopt roads here and our county is the headquarters of one of the largest clan groups in the south. i dare say there must be a half dozen card carrying members in the county.. ::)

buncha fucking idiots. clan folks, not yall..

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #119 on: August 30, 2009, 10:18:21 PM
Giving you the benefit of the doubt after last night I'll ask instead of assume...

Do you think that's what I mean when I say "angry black man"?
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...