My B-Day is the 3rd of October.
Might i ask you for a date?
We'll ride city buses, for FREE (Woo HOO!), careen up and down 6th, withOUT worrying about our vehicles being towed, (David, my son, is just getting over paying all the flippin' tickets he got the last time he cruised the big city ~ Oh, wow. Want to meet my progeny?)
(SHUT, Joe ~ i hear ALL of those snarky things you think. THAT's how i scared Dylly, actually. Want me to scare YOU, too? Yeah. Didn't think so. So SHUT IT!
come, meet me, and be MORE than scared.)
We'll sneak off and smoke ourselves into a floaty, fat cloud
and laugh our asses off!!!
i could actually USE some ass loss. To bad we can't request that it be resituated in more "pleasing" areas...
Oh, and just being AROUND your-ever-so fit boobs will be enough for me. i'm not all that grabby/touchy/feely. roflmao
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 09:04:07 AM by fyrenza »

A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity