...looked me up on MyLife (formerly Classmates). And I know who just from the person's age and town of residence.Don't stalk me sweety. If you want the pork roll, just speak up.Quote from: underclasslol @ Danzig
lol @ Danzig
way to go for the obvious joke, ziggy. send him the bill for the dry cleaning. your date, i mean. not danzig.fuck, send it to danzig, too. and dave. and kyle. somebody will pony up and pay the fucking thing.
Take a picture of the stain.
So you wierded him out totally and he doesn't want to screw you again.... correct?Seriously, if a chick was trying to fuck with me I'd figure out a way of fucking with her even more for being an idiot. Just leaving like that is a valid mind-game.
I can't reply in this thread because anything I might say would surely get me in trouble with my boyfriend.
It wasn't bagman. He wishes.yeah he was like humping my butt then I guess he whipped it out and came on my clothing. Ugh. That guy was fucking hot but I'm way creeped out by him now...
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!