CT: goddamn you fever! now i cant go to that Yankees game. 
The Rangers are gonna romp. Pettitte SUCKS. Fuck the Yanks. RED SAWWWWWKS! WOOOO!
i hear if you put balls over your eyes for 20 minutes a day it reduces wrinkles. is there anything balls can't do?!
Make Kyle a man.
CT: I need to get outside before I look like I need to be starring in the next Twilight flick...
Yeah. Good call.
Embrace paleness!!! I love being pale!
Yeah, being pale is fun.
Dark is good too!
I love being pale, too! Only thing is I got this farmers tan thing going and it looks horrible when i wear tank tops and such.
I must admit, I'm about the same. My forearms and face and legs from the knees down are all quite a bit darker than the rest of me. This is because a) I pretty much don't bother with the beach anymore, and b) if you're the sort of person who picks up colour fairly well, it's just about impossible to not get somewhat tanned around here, since the sun is so fucking bright.