I said that moping around his fucking apartment getting drunk wasn't going to do him any good, and that he should get outside and move around.
You responded with insults and advice that was pretty easily construed as telling to him to go ahead and try to drink his depression away.
I would call that fairly fucking different advice. Apparently so would those who proceeded to echo my suggestion in one way or another.
As for, "Just because you had one too many one night in your life and fucked yourself permanently... blah blah blah," you've pretty clearly shown your willingness to bloviate misguidedly about matters you don't really know much more than a sparrow's fart about, to the few people around here who actually do know what happened.
That being, of course, that I severely sprained an ankle doing something reckless and silly. That being, that I probably would have done it anyway, stone sober, because as those who know me will testify; I hold my liquor and maintain control even on the most ridiculous nights to an extremely unusual degree. That being, that injury which DID cause me permanent problems happened a year later, and had absolutely nothing to do with booze. That being, that even if it had, anyone who has drank with me knows I do not engage in lame-ass "I was drunk" blame-shifting for anything I say or do while intoxicated.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 05:00:29 PM by Wozzeck »

It's truly a shame I am no longer there to yell at girls to make out with you.