Recap:4.7mm caseless > 9mm > nerf basketball fired from an 12-inch deck gun > Tim Daly > Spud gun > John Daly > nerf > Carson Daly > Rosie O'donnellQuote from: FAH-QThat about sums it up.
That about sums it up.
CT: I am not wearing underwear as a groomsman in a wedding on Friday. I am just sayin`...
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!
No, I was about to start my period and instead of breaking out on my face I broke out a little on my chest area.
You know nothing about women Luke.
You read thesuperficial too, huh Luke?
Oh my god....
Heh, I wasn't going to be the first one to fess up after Lucas. I AM AN ENTHUSIAST.