personal sharing:
much to my own surprise, i speak with both of my ex-boyfriends.
my first ex catches me on facebook chat here and there to ask what i'm up to. he broke my heart quite badly, but this long after the fact, over four years removed, i've realized he was just too old for me, and it was what it was, and is what it is. he knew i could do better as far as someone who was more devoted to me, and did me a huge favor in breaking my heart.
the more recent ex (we broke up last summer; i broke his heart) has moved across the country, and we speak about once a month on the phone. i broke up with him when i realized we were the very best of friends but not cut out to be lovers. he's doing great out there, and will probably be quite a famous chef one day. i definitely think i did what was best for the both of us, and he now realizes it too, even if it was hard for him at the time. we are holding up our friendship over the miles, to keep in touch, and update eachother on our lives over the course of the last year. we both want to stay in contact as we formed such a strong friendship bond when we were together. i see nothing wrong with this, and neither does my boyfriend. my ex's new girlfriend, on the other hand, is quite a different story.