Yeah man, my best day at BJJ yet, followed by a bike ride. And I followed it up with drunk posting because I tried to rehydrate with whiskey afterwards!
One broken finger and one still sore from being dislocated on my dominant hand, bruised ribs, and I destroyed the last guy I rolled with (who was about on par with me for time-in, instead of the more advanced guys I usually get stuck with). I took mount 4 times, got an Eziekelle choke twice and an Americana once (I let him go the 4th time, because I knocked the ear ring out of his ear. Who leaves an ear ring in while they're rolling?). I'd never actually tried to get someone with an Eziekelle before, but it worked out because I can't grab with my right hand to try a cross choke. I felt bad, though, because I got the Americana on the guy, cranked a tiny bit, thought he tapped and asked if he had. He said no, so I took it a little more, he wouldn't tap, so I kept going, then he started yelling.